this is why dogs bite
First, I know this is a day late. Something was wrong with this site yesterday - so I wasn't able to post when I wanted to. Then, I went to the dog park (pictures to come - it's the most amazing place in the world), and fell asleep in the bed on someone's head and woke up at 4am because I wasn't used to going to sleep so early and it was just... It was a long night.
I digress.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? I realize, Colombian drug dealers are not the bastions of kindness and compassion. But seriously, using PUPPIES to carry drugs? Did they get a free hit? Or was it a business only kind of deal? I don't know which was more appalling - the topic, or the NY Post's terrible puns, including "doggedly" and "bite" (you have to read it. It's bad).
I mean, seriously. I get that they were labs - labs are big stupids. They probably just sat there and wagged their backsides and licked the air while having these assholes perform surgery on them. If they tried to use boxers, man - they'd come back with only one eye and an story no one would believe.
Puppies and dogs (and yes, even labs) are meant for loving. And licking. And hugging. And petting and running and going to the park and pooping and saying hi and being cute and obnoxious all at the same tie. They're not for drug running. If a person makes that choice, well, they're stupid and they might die. But puppies don't HAVE the option to say no.
If I ever see a Colombian drug lord in my neighborhood, I'm going to bite his hands off.
Here's a rare picture of me and my adopted - you won't see her often, as this is about me - but this is just a reminder:

Pictures and stories from the park later.
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