my first blog
I'm Stella.
I'm a 5 month old boxer puppy who is good at some things, like:
eating linoleum (delicious)
being crazy
eating protein powder (cock diesel, anyone?)
chewing on soda bottles
going to the vet
taking shots (like at the vet. not at the court)
and bad at others:
sitting when told (what's the point?)
riding in the car (there are so many things to bark at and see. Plus - why do I always have to sit in the back?
being quiet (again - point?)
allowing others to type for me (no one seems to understand that I can hit the keys with my nose)
I'm 5 months old on Feb. 1st - actually, I don't know when my birthday is. I came to Philadelphia on Halloween (I'm named for Stella Luna - whatever the hell that is), and the dudes who had me said I was 8 weeks old.
I was born in Wilkes-Barre, PA with 6 other siblings -they all had white markings, I didn't. Actually, I do - but it's amazing what a little Miss Clairol can do. I've heard I stood out from the others because my back was all brindle, so it worked for me. My dad was white, leading my adoptives to think I was deaf (not so, just stubborn - not worried about what they have to say). My mom had longer legs than Tyra Banks (and, might I add, a smaller forehead and a much better weave). I think I'm pretty awesome looking. Erm, despite having the tiniest touch of mange and sensitive skin that makes me look half pink sometimes (no worries, the vet said it'd go away).
But my pictures can say this better than I can. Plus, it's hard to type - my nails haven't been cut in a while.
So enjoy me, enjoy my actions, my stories, but mostly, my pictures. Tell me if you love me or hate me - maybe one day I'll set up a paypal account for vet bills and new chewies (if I may, the braided chewies are my favorite. Feel free to send some.)
Happy Birthday, Stella!
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